Young Bud Ekins on his Triumph Motorcycle |
Tiger holding the original 1963 photo given to Bud by The Great Escape
Director, John Sturges.
"To Bud, Happy Landings, Many Thanks, John" |

Our Gang from Hollywood photo by Tiger Michiels

Our Gang from Hollywood photo by Chad McQueen

Susie, Ali and Urban on Harley

Chad and Steve on Indian

Steve checking his tire, Bud checking my engine

Steve and Tiger, using 1950 Chevy engine air pump
Our Gang from
Hollywood photo by
Chad McQueen
Donna, Darby and Bud on Greene
Flat Tire on Steve's Indian
Old Sidehacks, 3 Harley's and an Indian
Chad, Steve and Dewitt, headlight butt shot
Ali and Steve McQueen on Indian

Bud Ekins on the Flying Merkel |

Bite the Bullet Movie with Bud's Greene Harley Wicker Hack |
Bud Ekins and Tiger Michiels, the last photo taken
with Bud in his Hollywood home
August 6th 2007 |
Susie Ekins, Tiger Michiels, Donna Ekins |
Letter from Tiger Michiels
to Susie and Donna Ekins |
View letter in pdf format "Click
Here" |
Tiger Michiels, Frank Byford, Jesse James |
News article showing Vern Hancock, Bud Ekins and Frank
Byford |
Bud Ekins and Vern Hancock on the Mauritania 2, taken
in mid Atlantic in Octoberof 1954. This was when Frank Byford was
imported from England to the US. |
Werner Althaus (Bud's first import from England) when
he and Frank went skiing at Holiday Hill (Wrightwood). |
Werner's Wedding in 1955 or
1956 to
Beverly Boos. |
Our good friend Larry Daniel who was best man at
Werner's wedding. |

Bud's Old Ford Pickup in
background painted by Von Dutch

Dave and Bud Ekins

Bud Ekins racing in England

Bud Ekins riding his bike

Dave Ekins, Johnny Steen, Steve McQueen (on tip toes),
Cliff Coleman (with bent
knees), and Bud Ekins

Chad McQueen and Tiger Michiels (with bent knees) 2008

Bud and Tiger in Bud's Paint Booth Office 2007

Susie and Bob Michiels in front of
Warner Brothers Theatre |

Bud Ekins, a celebration of his life

Bud Show

Bud Ekins

Bud Ekins

Bud Ekins

Bud Ekins

Bud Ekins

Bud Ekins

Donna and Susie, talk about their father
at Warner Brothers

Tiger Michiels on Triumph Scrambler 2008 |

Great Escape Triumph

Von Dutch painted this 1959
Triumph |

40 Summers ago

Signatures in book 40 summers ago

My Son Bob got Bud to sign it to me |
